Tuesday, January 31, 2012

So Sleepy

My Bailey doesn't want to nap anymore.  She's 4 so it's not like this is a huge deal.  But she has always taken an afternoon nap.  However, the past week, she is NOT interested!  We have been going to bed a little earlier at night because of this and because at 35 weeks pregnant, by 8:30 I'm about to fall over!  I hope this is just a phase becuase when sister comes, I will want to nap!  2 other things about this sleepy issue: 1. I take phenogren almost every day for nausea.  It really drains me.  I didn't have to take any yesterday but I had to take 1/2 of one this morning and I'm having trouble staying awake at work.  Luckily, my students are working on an assignment that we started yesterday and they are working away without much assistance from me.  2. Bailey is starting pre-k in the fall and they have an hour rest.  I'm not too concerned b/c she has NEVER been on a good schedule and I think once she is, she will need that hour nap during the day.

And on a totally different topic:
I went to Burger.King this morning for breakfast (I HATE their burgers but I love their breakfast sandwiches).  The delivery truck was there and he couldn't get between my car and the car behind me (b/c BK is literally the SLOWEST place on Earth, the cars were piling up).  So, he knocked on my back window and motioned me to inch up a little so that he could get by... which I did.  So, he proceeds to move the dolly between my car and the car behind me and totally rams into the back of my car.  I jumped out to check the damage and didn't see any.  Still, Zach is not happy and filed a complaint with them.  So, we'll see what happens.

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